The Founders

Embrace stems from three generations of women - Leslie, Christina, and Margaux - united by adversity and dedication to well-being. Our lives, while blessed in so many ways, have been affected by tragedy and chronic health struggles. Now we want to share the positive outcome of our journey to empower other women's wellness. Join us!

Embrace: From Adversity to Wellbeing

At Embrace, our story is one of resilience, an unwavering commitment to each other and the determination to leave no stone unturned in our search for mental and physical wellbeing. Our foundation rests on the inspiring journey of three generations of women: Leslie, Christina, and young Margaux.


Leslie's path to Embrace began in California. Brought up in Laguna Beach, Leslie spent five years as a nun before deciding on an alternative path in life. She came to the UK on holiday in 1970, met her future husband Peter by chance - they were engaged less than an hour after meeting! - and never went back to the USA. In 1998, tragedy struck when her husband, Peter Storie-Pugh, a decorated war hero, was paralysed in a devastating car accident.

The same crash left their daughter, Christina, with severe injuries. For 13 years, Leslie devotedly cared for Peter in their isolated French home, demonstrating extraordinary love and mental fortitude. Following Peter's passing, Leslie relocated to London, where she now resides with Christina, Margaux and The Boys.


Christina's life was forever altered by the accident, leaving her battling chronic pain and anxiety. Yet, her struggle became her strength. Despite ongoing health challenges, Christina remains a pillar of support for her family. Her journey has profoundly shaped her understanding of well-being, driving her to explore innovative ways to improve both physical and mental health.

Margaux: The Future of Embrace

Half-English and half-French, Margaux embodies the future of Embrace. Raised on stories of resilience and surrounded by the unwavering support of her mother and grandmother, and her three rowdy uncles, Margaux represents the enduring power of family bonds and the promise of a healthier tomorrow.

A Family United by Wellness

The shared experiences of Leslie, Christina, and Margaux have forged an unbreakable connection and a deep understanding of health's vital role in our lives. Their collective journey through physical and emotional hardships has not only strengthened their bond but also inspired them to share their insights with women facing similar challenges.

Our Mission

Our mission is to harness the power of resilience and family support to promote holistic well-being. Our approach is born from personal experiences and a genuine desire to help others navigate their health journeys. We invite you to join our community, embrace your inner strength, and discover the transformative power of comprehensive wellness.

Together, we'll build a supportive network where we uplift each other through life's challenges and celebrate our triumphs. Welcome to Embrace – where resilience meets well-being.